Sunday, July 6, 2008

Railway platform

Sitting by the sea side he was deeply absorbed in thoughts. His thoughts ran from one to another. He thought about the sea how fierce it was and sometimes so silent. Thinking about silence he remembered the silent girl whom he had met on the railway station when he was leaving for France. He had felt a desire to speak with her, a desire to know her. And when he approached her she just stared blankly at him. She wouldn’t reply. He smiled at her and spoke again but she just turned and ran. He had felt awkward, rejected, and embarrassed. He had thought about her for long after that incident. And again and again he had found his thoughts running towards her. Many question arising in his head. Why didn’t she speak? Why had he felt this sudden desire to know her? Why had she run away? Why, why and many why’s.

But this was life he had to drag himself on. By grace of god he had found a friend right from the start of his journey, peter. Peter was always helpful and proved to be a great friend.

One year later

The train halted and he stepped out. He was tired and weary after the 5 hrs train journey. He wanted to reach his apartment as soon as possible. He thought about nice warm shower and his comfortable bed as he stepped out of the station looking for his uncle who was supposed to receive him.

But was it a surprise or a dream come true. She was there again. At the same point where he had last seen her. She was as silent as she was last time. And blank eyed.

With a new desire he stepped towards her. But then he stopped. What if she ran away again? He didn’t want to loose her again. No he would wait and see what she does and where she goes?

As he was looking at her waiting to see where she goes? She looked at him and stepped towards him. He could not believe his eyes. Why was she stepping towards him? Despite effort he could not make a move. But she moved towards him as though she knew him. Her smile, her expressions everything made him feel that he was a long known friend, some one very special.

But then

All his desires , his dreams , his wishes , everything crushed , crushed down on him as he saw her embrace the person in front of him , who was none other than peter.

Now he had all the answers to his questions.


Mush said...

Wow.. new blog and new blogger and im ur first reader or atleast comment..

Well written .. keep writing .. :)

Sameera Ansari said...

What a coincidence!Well,life is full of them.

You have written before I believe? :)

Happy blogging!

kyamaloom said...

Not bad!

Keshi said...

Good writeup.

Life is full of Promises and Let-downs.

R ya Preeti? :)


Anonymous said...

lovely have written the mysteries and vagaries of life today wonderfully well...nice reading!

prajyot said...

first of all..welcome to blogger's community...its indeed a happy thing that u have been into bloggers list now..

Some tips that could be informatiove for u

1.never be away from blogging.In other words blog regularly.

2.Make contents very informative and attractive.

Jyoti said...

if this is really a fiction..then i must say,"Smart writter".

Hemanth Potluri said...

Hi ya..welcome to the world of bloggin..

ur writin is cool ...keep bloggin ..


fictiongirl said...


thanks alot

fictiongirl said...


i have written small attempts on writing before , but very few...

thanks for coming

fictiongirl said...


i dont think i visited your blog..
but thanks for coming and commenting..

fictiongirl said...




sorry i am not preeti..

fictiongirl said...


thanks alot , ur words are very encouraging..

fictiongirl said...


thanks for welcoming..

u didnt comment on the story..

it was very friendly of u to give those tips, thank you

fictiongirl said...


yes , it is a fiction..

thanks for those encouraging words..

fictiongirl said...


thanks a lot.

Dk said...

Wow! nice stuff keep it up! :)

"Order is for idiots. Genius can handle chaos."

Prakhar said...

Still can't understand y she ran earlier?

Keep Bloggin!

mirage said...

hi welcome to the blog world.Good start.Keep writing.
Thanks for dropping by:))

scorpiogenius said...

poor old guy...

hey, the hero doesn't have a name, but the villain does..:)

not exactly bollywood style, na??

Aneesh said...

Yah, good one, though the end was quite predictable. Keep posting, this is how we become good writers. :)

RiĆ  said...

hey nice story gurl....u write well sweetie!! :)Keep it on!

Solitaire said...

Wny no new posts girl?

Raghu Ram Prasad said...

The story BULLET TRAIN is mind blowing and heart breaking

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog 'Dream land' took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Mush said...

- hey - no updates ? :(

Mush said...

do visit myblog